Massage Services Golden Valley MN
Massage Therapy
Massage has dozens of benefits and can play an integral part of any health-enhancement program. Some of the wonderful effects of massage include:
- Lowered body stress
- Reduced muscle spasms
- Improved circulation
- Increased lymphatic drainage
- Calmed nervous system
- Reduced pain
- Increased energy levels
- And hey – it just plain feels good! And that’s good for your health!
Our Certified Massage Therapists have diverse training in a number of different techniques. A consultation with out doctors and massage therapists will determine the appropriate technique for your healing.
Here are some of the massage techniques that we offer:
Sports Massage
Sports massage is done to assist both performance and recovery time. More than one technique can be used in sports massage.
Whether you want to speed up muscle recovery from a performance or getting ready for the next sports event we are here to help you get there.
Injury Rehabilitation Massage
After an injury some muscle or area may not promptly recover to pre injury conditions or you simply want to recover faster. Injury Rehabilitation massage does just that.
Injury Rehabilitation Massage can be done alone or as part of a full rehabilitation program.
Therapeutic (Pain Relieving) Massage
This type of massage can address specific areas such as the back, neck or other areas. It is designed to bring about relief by working inner muscles.
This type of massage also releases tension, toxins and allows for better circulation in areas being worked on.
Relax and Heal!